Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Evan James

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Evan James

"O Bydded i'r
Heniaith Barhau"


Cynllun Datblygu Ysgol/School Development Plan


Ein Blaenoriaethau Gwella/Our Improvement Priorities

1) Datblygu addysgu effeithiol ar draws yr ysgol gan ddatblygu dulliau ymholi. Develop effective teaching across the school through inquiry methods.
2) Mireinio gweithdrefnau gwahaniaethu. Refine differentiation procedures.
3) Datblygu “Egwyddorion Evan James” a’u cysoni wrth ymwneud ag ymddygiad, lles a gwerthoedd yr ysgol. Develop the 'Evan James Principles' to ensure consistency when relating to the behaviour, well-being and values of the school. 
4) Cwricwlwm i Gymru. Parhau i ddatblygu a mireinio'r cynllunio a'r gweithdrefnau asesu a thracio cynnydd. Curiculum for Wales. Continue to develop and refine the assessment and progress tracking procedures.

* Mae copi llawn ar gael yn yr ysgol/A full copy is available at the school