Cynllun Datblygu Ysgol/School Development Plan
Ein Blaenoriaethau Gwella/Our Improvement Priorities
1) Datblygu addysgu effeithiol ar draws yr ysgol gan ddatblygu dulliau ymholi. Develop effective teaching across the school through inquiry methods. |
2) Mireinio gweithdrefnau gwahaniaethu. Refine differentiation procedures. |
3) Datblygu “Egwyddorion Evan James” a’u cysoni wrth ymwneud ag ymddygiad, lles a gwerthoedd yr ysgol. Develop the 'Evan James Principles' to ensure consistency when relating to the behaviour, well-being and values of the school. |
4) Cwricwlwm i Gymru. Parhau i ddatblygu a mireinio'r cynllunio a'r gweithdrefnau asesu a thracio cynnydd. Curiculum for Wales. Continue to develop and refine the assessment and progress tracking procedures. |
* Mae copi llawn ar gael yn yr ysgol/A full copy is available at the school